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2012 ELECTIONS: Ma ambiguous, flip-flops on cross-strait issues: DPP

[ Chris Wang and Mo Yan-chih  /  Staff Reporters]

  President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) has been ambiguous and has constantly flip-flopped on his position on the unification of Taiwan and China, and he intends to change rather than maintain the “status quo,” the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) said yesterday.

  Ma, who is seeking re-election next month, has failed to speak out on many issues, including his position on unification, signing a peace agreement with China with the prerequisite of a referendum and his Taiwanese-Chinese identity, among others, making his honesty highly questionable, DPP legislative candidate Lo Chih-cheng (羅致政) and former DPP legislator Julian Kuo (郭正亮) told a press conference in Taipei.

  Ma has publicly stated his goal of unification at least eight times since 2005, but he has denied those comments whenever he has been challenged, Lo said, adding that Ma has also backed out of his pledge to make a referendum the prerequisite of a peace accord with China and he has refused to amend the Referendum Act (公民投票法).

  Ma’s “three noes” policy — no unification, no independence and no use of force — which he says is a pledge to maintain the “status quo,” could be interpreted as an attempt to change to the “status quo” because “he does not rule out unification, denies Taiwan’s sovereignty and he has surrendered Taiwan’s self-defense,” Lo said.

  The DPP submitted six questions to Ma.

  The party asked whether unification is the ultimate goal of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) after the president told Newsweek magazine in an interview published in December 2005 that “unification is the ultimate goal for our party.”

  The DPP also questioned what his advocation of “no unification” actually means.

  “Does it mean that unification is not an option or does it mean he does not rule out unification as he told the Chinese-language CommonWealth magazine in an interview in January 2009?” Lo asked.

  Lo asked Ma whether his initiative to sign a peace agreement with China in 10 years would be based on the Guidelines for National Unification, as his running mate Premier Wu Den-yih (吳敦義) has said, and whether the agreement would function as a prelude to eventual unification.

  Former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) has said that the guidelines ceased to apply in 2006 and that they have not been reinstated during Ma’s term in office.

  Ma appeared to make conflicting comments when he said in a speech at the London School of Economics and Political Science in February 2006 that he would love to “create ideal conditions for unification” and a peace agreement would be a “medium-term goal,” but now he is saying that a peace agreement should be signed in 10 years, Lo said.

  While a majority of the international community recognizes that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) represents “China” in the “one China principle,” Kuo said, Ma insists that “China” represents the Republic of China (ROC).

  "How are you [Ma] going to deal with the PRC then? Do you intend to eliminate the PRC or to sign a peace accord under which Taiwan is named as part of China?” he asked.

  The final question emerged after China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) spokesman Yang Yi (楊毅) said that “Taiwan and China belong to the same country and bilateral relations were not, are not and will not be state-to-state,” Kuo said.

  Whether both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to “one China” — regardless of whether “China” is the PRC or the ROC — is the core issue of the co-called “1992 consensus,” he said, adding that Ma needs to make his position on the issue clear and to fulfill his promise that all major political decisions on cross-strait relations would be determined by Taiwanese.

  Kuo said that in terms of his cross-strait policies, People First Party (PFP) Chairman James Soong (宋楚瑜) has been more honest than Ma, as the former has insisted that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to “one China.” Soong has said that Ma should reinstate the Guidelines for National Unification if he agrees with the “one China” principle.

  Yesterday’s press conference was the third of its kind hosted by the DPP’s “interpellation group on national affairs,” which was set up to examine Ma’s performance and to raise questions on cross-strait, domestic and foreign affairs, as well as defense policies, until election day on Jan. 14.

  In response, Ma’s re-election campaign office spokesman Yin Wei (殷瑋) said Ma would not address the issue of unification during his term in office as he has promised, adding that Ma’s proposed peace agreement with China would only proceed under this premise.

  "President Ma has repeated his stance on numerous occasions — that he will not discuss the issue of unification [with China] during his term — that is what ‘no unification’ means. The president has made that very clear,” Yin said.

  The “three noes” policy and the “1992 consensus” remain the main principle policies for cross-strait development, while Ma’s proposed cross-strait peace agreement would only be signed with strong domestic support and the supervision of the legislature, Yin said.

  "President Ma is candid on the issue of unification. Does Chairperson Tsai dare to be candid about the issue of independence?” Yin asked, accusing Tsai and the DPP of adopting double standards on cross-strait issues, and challenging Tsai to offer clear explanation as to whether her proposed cross-strait peace mechanism is based on the premise of independence for Taiwan.

  "Why is it that your [Tsai’s] proposal is a promotion of peace, while other people’s proposed peace agreements sell out Taiwan? This is a clear double standard,” Yin said.

This article is from Taipei Times


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DPP legislative candidates seek reform

‘PROFESSIONALISM’:A group of 19 candidates said they aimed to reinvent the eighth legislature by refusing last--minute bills and closed-door negotiations

By Shih Hsiu-chuan  /  Staff Reporter

Vowing to play a key role in reform, a group of legislative candidates from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) yesterday laid out their plan to reform the nation’s much-criticized legislative body.

An alliance composed of 19 DPP candidates for district and legislator-at-large seats in the eighth legislature in the Jan. 14 elections presented a white paper on legislative reform to drum up support for what they called a new wave of reform of the nation’s -democratization process.

“The legislature has reached a point where reform is necessary in view of the performance of the seventh legislature, which set some records — its budget cuts were the lowest, the number of erroneous legislative bills was the greatest and the legislature was billed by many as the worst in the nation’s history,” said Lin Cho-shui (林濁水), a DPP candidate for Sinjhuang District (新莊), New Taipei City (新北市).

A five-term lawmaker since 1993 before he resigned in 2006 to protest the party’s handling of the corruption scandals involving -former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) and his family, Lin urged voters to support members of the alliance “so as not to miss an opportunity for legislative reform.”

The DPP stands a good chance of breaking the long-term legislative domination of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and its pan-blue allies next year, Lin said, citing the latest prediction by xFuture’s Center for Prediction Markets, the electronic exchange at National Chengchi University, that the KMT may not win a majority.

On Dec. 14, xFuture predicted that the KMT would win 56 seats in the 113-seat legislature, the DPP 51 seats, and non-party and other parties six seats.

Should this happen, it would be the first time in history the legislature would not be dominated by the pan-blue camp, and thus a chance for legislative reform, Lin said.

Lo Chih-cheng (羅致政), a candidate for Banciao District (板橋) in New Taipei City, said that members of the alliance, if elected, would address three major problems of the legislature by abiding by “three rejections.”

They vowed to reject last--minute bills that receive only cursory scrutiny and result in erroneous revisions, reject being a rubber stamp for the government and reject closed-door negotiations that are open to manipulation by special interest groups, Lo said.

The white paper identified four dimensions to reform the legislature.

The candidates demanded a legislature marked by “professionalism” in terms of a seniority system that grants influential committee positions and other prerogatives to lawmakers on the basis of the relative length of their continuous service on committees as well as staff and information provided to support legislative operations.

They said that legislative committees shall not only be the venues where deliberation of -lawmaking takes place, but also allows inter-party negotiations and a non-mandatory phase some bills would enter into once they are out of committee review that oftentimes overturns the decisions made during the committee review stage.

Lo said they would demand bipartisanship of the legislative speaker and deputy speaker and that they shall not take part in task forces and meetings in connection with party affairs organized by presidents, -premiers or party leaders.

They also pledged to revise related acts to delegate the legislature’s investigative power and establish a hearing system to provide an effective check on executive branches.

the article is from Taipei Times

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